Nov 10 2022 (Thur) | 18:00 - 21:00 | English Physical Seminar

Globalization has created an increasingly interconnected economy, resulting in more money flowing between borders.
For decades, cross-border payments have been plagued with high costs, inefficiencies and delays. Some believe that coins backed by blockchain technology may hold the key to solving these problems.
Attend this seminar to find out more about the opportunities, challenges and implications of the blockchain technology for cross-border payments.
Event Details
Date: 10 Nov 2022 (Thursday)
Format: Physical Seminar
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Language: English / Cantonese
Fee: $50 HKD
HKEBA and all supporting organizations’ members could enjoy the exclusive benefits by entering the coupon code at the registration page. (For more details, please contact Miss Kiki Pang at / 56110953.)
18:00 - 18:30 | Registration
18:30 - 18:45 | Introduction
18:45 - 19:05 | Bella Y. Sharing
19:05 - 19:25 | Adrian Z. Sharing
19:25 - 19:45 | Mo Jalil Sharing
19:45 - 20:05 | Junhyung Jeon Sharing
20:05 - 21:00 | Closing, Free Flow Q&A Session and Networking
Bella Y., Head of Marketing, SushiSwap
Adrian Z., Co-founder, DFX Finance
Mo Jalil, Founder, OpenFren
Junhyung Jeon, Chief Strategy Officer, Alphanonce
Enroll Now
Funded by

This project is organised by Hong Kong E-commerce Business Association (HKEBA) and funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Commission., HKSAR Government.
Acknowledgment of Support and Disclaimer
Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the Vetting Committee of the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Commission.
Supporting Organisation
