Make UI Branding Instantly Visible

Make UI Branding Instantly Visible
First impressions matter, a lot. An e-commerce website needs to grab users’ attention by clearly and quickly showing what it sells and if it can fulfill the user’s needs.
To get started, conduct proper marketing and user research to analyze competition and define the target audience to get started. It will help outline the website’s color scheme, logo variations and create animations and icons. Create a mood board with your strategic brand vision and audience demands to further solidify your business’s branding.
Every business will have a different branding, depending on its core values, products and target audience. For example, an apparel retailer’s website would likely have a different vibe than a site for a grocery store. So, defining your brand personality and setting the brand voice will help your business establish itself on the market and get identified easily.

Show Relevant Calls to Action (CTA)
Call-to-action (CTA) buttons are what you use on your website to guide users towards completing a conversion. A large banner image that displays a specific event along with an appropriate CTA helps the user move to the next step in the shopping process.
Make sure that your CTA buttons create a sense of urgency by using text like “Sign Up and Get 50% Off Today Only!” or “Download the App for Only $10!”. Constructing a sense of urgency in your CTA buttons can yield some impressive click-through rates (CTR).
Another tip is to use action-packed text for CTA buttons to capture user’s attention. Substitute boring words like “submit” and “enter” for more exciting verbs like “join,” “reserve,” and “try.” For example: Try Our Free Trial, Reserve Your Seat, Take This Course.

Tailor Landing Pages for SEO
E-commerce SEO is a free and useful way for getting more traffic to your website by making it more visible on search engine result pages (SERPs). The higher the rank of a page, the more traffic it will receive, so you want your page to rank as high as possible.
For it to do so, you need to ensure your website is optimized for search engines — from the keywords used, to the technical setup of your store, and whether it is mobile friendly all have a huge impact on SEO optimization.
By connecting the user’s search terms from search engines like Google to specific landing pages, e-commerce sites can capture users who are looking for a specific product. For sites with a wide selection of products, creating a custom landing page for common product search terms increases conversion rate. For example, stationery company Papier specifically crafted for wedding invitations that appears in Google search results.

This article is co-created by HKEBA & Branch8
