9 June 2021 | 15:00 – 17:00 | Seminar: Atlaspace

"Entrepreneurship is difficult, but it is more difficult to maintain a business than to start a business." It is not easy for an entrepreneur to successfully start a business, and to substantiate his ideas and imagination. In addition to the difficulties and challenges before starting a business, he must know how to deal with it after starting a business. Sudden ecological changes brought about by the external environment.
The theme of the 2021 IT Startup Award Sharing Session is "Entrepreneurship Two or Three: Entrepreneurship Survival Rules". Through the event, we hope to discuss with participants what conditions and operating strategies start-ups need to survive in the industry. In addition to inviting heavyweights in the start-up industry as guest speakers, this event will share stories of successful entrepreneurship and the survival rules of start-ups. In addition, representatives of venture capital companies will also share tips for fundraising. Participating in the event will have the opportunity to share with you The guest speakers conducted business exchanges at the same venue.
There will also be a briefing session for the ICT Startup Award at the same venue, which will introduce the precautions for this year's ICT Startup Award registration!
Mr. Sunny Kok, Founder and CEO, GreenTomato Limited
Mr. Danny Chong, Senior Investment Director, Gobi Partners
Ms. Yina Chan, Principal, Saltagen Ventures
Mr. Davon Hui, Founder and CEO, blutech.io (Award of the Year of HKICT Awards 2020 and ICT Startup Award Grand Award Winner)
Event Details: Register Link: https://bit.ly/3c7TZx9
Date: 9 June 2021 (Wed)
Time: 3:00pm – 5:00pm| Networking Session Starts from 4:15pm
Venue: ATLASPACE, Harbour City, 16/F, Tower 5, The Gateway, Tsim Sha Tsui
Theme: “Things you need to know about Startup: Survival Guide”
Fee: Free Admission
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